Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Augustines Confessions essays

Augustine's Confessions essays In the Confessions, by Saint Augustine, Augustine addressed himself articulately and passionately to the persistent questions that stirred the minds and hearts of men since time began. The Confessions tells a story in the form of a long conversion with God. Through this conversion to Catholic Christianity, Augustine encounters many aspects of love. These forms of love help guide him towards an ultimate relationship with God. His restless heart finally finds peace and rest in God at the end of The Confessions. Augustine finds many ways in which he can find peace in God. He is genuinely sorry for having turned away from God, the source of peace and happiness. Augustine is extremely thankful for having been given the opportunity to live with God. Augustine uses love as his gate to Gods grace. Throughout The Confessions, love and wisdom, the desire to love and be loved, and his love for his concubine, are all driving forces for Augustines desire to find peace in God. The death of his fri end upsets him deeply, but also allows him to pursue God to become a faithful Christian. Augustine often experiences darkness, blindness, and confusion while attempting to find rest in God, but he knows that when he eventually finds him his restless heart will be saved. Augustine started out in childhood with a restless heart because he had to live in two different worlds. These worlds consisted of that of his mothers religious faith, and the world of everything else. These two worlds confused and disturbed Augustine as a child. In his mothers world, talk consisted of Christ the Savior and about the mighty god who helps us especially to go to heaven. In the other world, talk was about achieving. It seems as if Augustine felt that if he were to live in both of these worlds, his life would turn out to be nothing. He believed he would not accomplish anything he would be remembered for. He became unhappy with the idea of his life amounti...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

language is communication essays

language is communication essays When we think of an intelligent being we think of someone like us, a creature that is able to think and communicate effectively . Communication or language is a process every child learns from birth, and we continue to use it until our death. The structure of our language gives us the ability for abstract thinking. Because of this we are able to expand our knowledge and evolve as a society. Language is a system of terms that are used in a particular manner and carry a particular meaning. The building blocks of language are words, each one carries a meaning which Langer describes in her essay Language and thought as having symbolic significance. Symbols and signs are the words of the language, where symbols can trigger a particular thought and not just a mere announcement of an object as signs do. This symbolic expression allows us to think outside of our immediate stimuli, and this is a tangent that takes us far away from the mere biological cycle that animal generations accomplish.(Langer 27). This gives us the ability to think of the past, the present and most importantly the ability to dream. So if symbolic meaning of words is what makes language, how did it evolve? One theory is that language evolved from signs, which are used by animals. In her essay Langer discards this theory on the basis of language being symbolic, not signific(29). This makes sense because we use language to hold ideas and important events in our mind. At the same time symbols can be an extension of signs combined with more evolved thinking. As the debate over development of language continues one thing we know foe sure, language is an ever evolving process, Languages are not invented; they grow with our need for expression(Langer 30). With human evolution, a need for language and communication has become as Langer calls it an organic need. This suggests that communication is vital to man just as ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Abortion and Infanticide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Abortion and Infanticide - Essay Example Potentiality principle described by the writer explains about the importance of possession of some property which makes some one eligible to have a serious right to life. For any organism to have this right the property should be there on continuous basis instead of that property is gained during the course of life. The author explains this issue of possession of some property to a further step by discussing the continuous ability of an organism having that property. He takes adult human as a model who has got that property but the human fetus still has not attained that level to be provided with that property so the fetus does not have the right to life based on the potentiality principle. This differentiation he makes by dividing the ability at two levels: physiological and psychological. He states that the physiological properties are same at the fetal level if compared across the species but this property based on physiological characteristics does not allow some organism to enjo y the right life. Once some one reaches a level to attain the psychological characteristics sufficient enough to be recognized as possessing that property with serious right to life. In fact, he tries to defend the idea that the serious right to life is not granted right at the beginning of some organism’s life at the zygote level, for example, in humans but there is some cut off point after which an organism belonging to some species may become eligible to serious right to life.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human Resources Functions Essay

The Human Resources Department (HRD) is responsible for Human Resources Planning at ‘Alstom’ and most other big businesses. This means they have a number of main responsibilities to make sure that the business is planned and running well. At ‘Alstom’ the HRD have to plan ahead and make sure they have the correct number of suitable employees for the business. In order to do this ‘Alstom’ set out to fully understand the demand on the labour market in their area. The main things ‘Alstom’ look at are: > Availability of labour > Competition for employment and placements > Local employment trends > Skills shortages These are all very important as they highlight what is going on in the labour market and what may affect the running of ‘Alstom’. Availability of labour shows just how many people there are on offer for employment in ‘Alstom’s’ area, which reveals to them how many people there are to choose from when recruiting. Competition for employees shows whether demand for labour is increasing because competitors are expanding or whether demand is dropping because competitors are having to make redundancies. This also can affect wage rates when recruiting, because as demand increases salary rates are caused to rise. This is because it is harder to recruit the right sort of employees and so companies have to offer better pay conditions in order to attract the right candidates to their business. Local employment trends imply how much labour is available and suggest whether it will be easy or difficult to recruit. It also shows if a local competitor is discarding labour and so provides an advantage for ‘Alstom’ as they can employ these who have been made redundant, as they will have the skills and the experience needed. Skill shortages are very important statistics to ‘Alstom’ as they reveal when the skills needed in their industry are dropping in the labour market, which can be very costly to the business when it comes to recruiting. If the skills they need such as degrees in manufacturing and engineering begin to fall, then wage rates will rise and the competition between ‘Alstom’ and other companies to recruit these graduates will become quite fierce. However, to help this problem ‘Alstom’ are quite fortunate as they have already set up their own training scheme to make sure they are achieving the skills they need. At ‘Alstom’ they also review how labour is progressing within the business. They calculate: > Succession > Sickness rates > Accident rates > Age > Skills & training > Wastage rate – labour turnover This is very important because by using and understanding these factors and statistics it can be seen where ‘Alstom’ may need improving and where things may have to change. For example, if accident rates are high, they may look into why people are so many accidents and what from, etc. By doing this they see if there is anything they can do to help this situation and prevent this from happening as much. ‘Alstom’ can also make better decisions about their staffing from these statistics and can analyze the success of the HRP and improve where it is needed. Recruitment & Selection At ‘Alstom’ it is the HRD’s responsibility to recruit and select employees into the business. At ‘Alstom’ they have four main objectives when recruiting staff, which are all very important. They are important because these objectives outline the essentials that are needed in recruitment and selection to structure a solid foundation for the business. These objectives are: > Helping the growth of ‘Alstom’ > Improving by changing job roles within ‘Alstom’ > Improving by employee internal promotion within ‘Alstom’ > Filling resignation, retirement or dismissal vacancies within ‘Alstom’ When additional or replacement personnel are required, here are what the main responsibilities are throughout this process: > The Recruiting Manager (RM) will complete a Personnel Requisition (job family model, profile & job description). > It is returned to HRD for action. > The Human Resources Officer (HRO) advises the RM on the Personnel Requisition and will consult with them regarding sourcing the vacancy. > The post is advertised internally prior to/parallel with external recruitment procedures (managers are not permitted to contact any external agencies directly without prior agreement from the HRD). > Internal applicants should complete an ‘Application for Internal Appointment’ form – applicant’s manager must authorize. External applicants complete an ‘Application for External Appointment’ form or submit a CV. > Internal applicants are screened by the HRO and forwarded to the RM. Selected applicant interviews are then arranged via HRD. Internal candidates not selected for interviews are notified by HRD. Successful internal candidates have their current manager informed by the HRD and are formally offered the job via their manager. They then have 10 days to accept and the two managers agree on a release date. > External applicants are screened by HRD and suitable applicants are forwarded to the RM for selection. Interviews are then arranged via HRD for short-listed candidates. The successful candidate is issued the ‘New Starter Advice’ by the HRD, in liaison with the RM. The candidate is then offered a placement subject to a pre-employment medical examination and at least one previous employers reference and evidence of qualifications. The candidate then has 10 days to accept after which time the offer becomes invalid. This process is very important to ‘Alstom’ as it makes sure that recruiting and selecting is done accurately and fairly. If this was not done appropriately then the business could suffer as the wrong recruit for ‘Alstom’ may be selected due to the process being carried out inappropriately and poorly. The candidates may also complain if they feel that the process was not carried out professionally and fairly, which would obviously not benefit anyone. Performance Management At ‘Alstom’ they have several ways of measuring and managing the performance of their employees, all of which are very important. They are important because they enable managers to oversee and supervise the performance of employees and make sure they are working to their full potential and so therefore see whether they are benefiting ‘Alstom’ and doing their part to ensure the business operates to its full potential. It also helps ‘Alstom’ to see which employees may need help and what they may need help with. Many of the ways are connected to the training. These are the methods they use: > Standards – At ‘Alstom’ there are set standards for each job role that have to be met in order for the work to be regarded as high performance. There are four sets of standards for different levels. These levels are: Group leaders Middle managers Senior Manager (operations) Senior manager (strategic) These standards for each level are to be met and are used to assess the skills and the effectiveness of the employee as well as to assess whether they are working efficiently enough for ‘Alstom’. These results are then reviewed and worked through in an individual appraisal discussion. > Objectives – At ‘Alstom’ objectives are set and defined and help employers to ensure that employee’s are working to a good standard. Setting objectives also helps the employees by stating the important guidelines, which need to be followed in order for them to do their job well. There are ten objectives, arranged in two groups. Technical Objectives and Business & Personal Objectives. Here is an example of a Business Objective: B4 = Personal Skills To be able to operate effectively in a group endeavor > Self-assessment – At ‘Alstom’ they ask employees to carry out their own self-assessment after reading and understanding the standards. They are given a suggested method and have guidance along the way. This helps both the employer and the employee. It helps the employer to understand what the employee’s own personal opinion of their performance is, where they may feel insecure and want some help, how confident they are within themselves, etc. Self-assessment helps the employee by allowing them to input their own thoughts of their performance, shows where they may need to put most of their effort, assess how they are coping meeting the job’s criteria, etc. Therefore, it helps both the employer and the employee to assess and manage individual performance. > Measuring production – At ‘Alstom’ they also carry out some measurements of production. An example of this is ‘Graduate Retention’. This is an important method of performance management as it shows clearly what ‘Alstom’s’ internal statistics are and helps the business realize and assess where improvement may need to made and which areas are struggling to run well. For example, if graduate retention is increasing then they will need to make changes and improvements to bring this statistic down and therefore benefit the business. Training and development At ‘Alstom’ they have a process for Training and Development (shown on next page). The main responsibility of HRD is to make sure that this process is carried out and that it is fully introduced and explained. Training and Development is very important to ‘Alstom’ as it ensures that employees learn the right skills for the job and it makes sure that they can do their job well and efficiently. It helps employees to earn the skills, qualifications and experience that they want/need and it benefits ‘Alstom’ as it enables them to run better and to a fuller potential and efficiency because their workers are well trained and developed.

The Radio Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The Radio - Research Paper Example It came with immense power because only a single speaker had the ability to sow the seeds of entertainment, information, propaganda, political and religious fervor, culture, and even negativity everywhere (Lewis 26).This paper briefly studies the formation, evolution, and impact of radio on human life and concludes that radio is not doomed by its fleshier competitors, but it has evolved. Radio refers to the signaling or audio communication by using electromagnetic radiations. In its early days, it was developed as a "wireless telegraph", for one point to the other point links. The wireless telegraph made it possible to send messages to multiple locations at the same time, by using dots-and-dashes of telegraphic code in early days, while in full audio during later periods (White). The historical Background James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist was influenced by Michael Faraday's ideas and work on electromagnetism. Faraday's work described that electric and magnetic effects arise f rom the lines of force around conductors and magnets. Maxwell developed an analogy about the way lines of force behave and the liquid flow; he derived equations that represented the electric and magnetic field. Based on Faraday's ideas, Maxwell produced a paper in 1855. Moreover, he developed the model for a hypothetical medium with some fluid that could carry electric and magnetic effects. He considered hypothetical situations when fluid becomes elastic and charge is applied to it. He concluded that it would initiate disturbance in the fluid and the resulting waves would travel through the medium (Parker). Two Germans Friedrich Kohlrausch and Wilhelm Weber identified that these have the capability to travel at the speed of light. In 1873, Maxwell made these findings public in his "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" (qtd. in Parker). Heinrich Hertz confirmed Maxwell's ideas by discovering radio waves, a form of electromagnetic radiation which has too long wavelength for human ey es to see. He came up with a transmitting oscillator that radiated radio waves and detected them by using a metal loop with a gap at one side. Sparks are generated across this gap when the loop was positioned within transmitter's electromagnetic field. It implied that electromagnetic waves could be sent in the space and could be detected remotely. These waves are named after Hertz as 'Hertzian Waves' he detected them across the length of his laboratory (Parker). Hertz's discovery inspired Guglielmo Marconi, he realized that the if radio waves could be transmitted and detected over long distances, then wireless telegraphy can be developed. He started experimenting in 1894 by placing rough antennas in his family garden. Initially, he managed to received singles from 100 meters, by the end of 1895; he managed to extend the distance to over a mile. He shared his experimentation with Italian Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs. Knowing that Ministry was not interested in his work, he gave a demonstration in London at General Post Office in 1896.His transmission was detected from1.5 miles which was extended to 8 miles in few months. In 1897, Marconi got the patent for wireless telegraphy, and established the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company at Chelmsford. There, they established the world's first radio factory in 1898. In May 1897, they successfully tested that the contacts were possible over the water. A

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The guiding aim and abiding concern of Corporate culture Essay

The guiding aim and abiding concern of Corporate culture - Essay Example Corporate culture has an influence on how the members of an organization conduct themselves in almost every aspect of their lives, in respect to their work, to create a good image. It is this behavior which comes to affect how employees interact with their fellow employees, all their clients (whether large or small), and those people who have an interest in the organization (whether they are shareholders or stakeholders). The corporate culture of an organization can also be defined as the values that contribute to the creation of an environment that is conducive both psychologically and socially and enable employees to work effectively without worrying about any conflict related to their work procedure. These values are based on the knowledge that has been gained in the history of the organization from its founding as well as the existing knowledge of the organization, which form the philosophies that hold the organization together. There are certain instances, however, where there m ay be many, different conflicting, cultures within an organization, and this usually occurs especially in the large organizations, because of the different paths that are pursued by the various management teams in achieving the goals that have been set for the organization. Corporate culture is an extremely complex phenomenon within an organization, and it affects those who are employed by it in their work lives in various ways. When one considers corporate culture, one will realize that it may have both positive and negative effects on the individuals involved. It is these effects, among others, which will be discussed in this paper. While, in most cases, it is the management of an organization or corporation which plays a crucial role in the creation of the corporate culture of the organizatio

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sustainable Development Process For Overpopulation in China

Sustainable Development Process For Overpopulation in China Overpopulation, resource crisis and environmental pollution are the three major social problems of the contemporary world; they are also three major obstacles that restrict economic and social development and the improving peoples living standard in the world. China has the largest population in the world and there are more than 1.3 billion people in China. And now, China is serious shortage of fresh water, arable land, forest and grassland, energy and other resources (Rozelle, 1997; Deng, 2008.) Per capita of these resources are less than one-third of the worlds averages. Per capita consumption of mineral resources is not to half the world average. As Chinas social and economic development increasingly, the total population is approaching the maximum carrying capacity of resources, environment. Irrational exploitation of resources exacerbates the shortage of resources and waste further, and the trend of ecological deterioration has not been fundamentally reversed. Population growth on resources and the environmental impact of socio-economic sustainable development has become the most important issue. So to deal with the population problems, all the people and stakeholders are required to cooperate with the Chinese government and then raise a sustainable development to deal with the problems. In this paper, it will first have a look at the background of Chinas population problems and then talk over which people are affected by the pollution and the barriers that are stopping the people to get a sustainable development. In the following part, it will have a brief introduction of the six processes which is developed by Dr. Mark Diesendorf and used to deal with the population problems. Next, how the six processes are implemented will be discussed. At the end of the paper, there is a brief discussion on the relationship of the steps and their dependence on each other and a conclusion will be presented as well. The direct problems which result from over population are the environmental problems and health problems. But the environment is changeable that it can flow from one place to another, such as air pollution, water pollution. So it implies that every people in China are affected by the population problems. With the increasing of population in China in recent years, China has suffered a lot. More people mean more energy and resources that could be consumed, but there will be more waste let out. Therefore, it will make the environment pollution to move forward a single step. So many environmental problems have appeared one by one. For example, in order to have good harvest of more and more fertilizers are used to improve the crop productivity (Jiang, 2009). But the low efficiency of the fertilizer use makes most of the fertilizer leave into the soil or flow with the water thus it both causes water pollution and soil pollution (Foy, 2001; Green, 1993; Jin, 2001). So in many places, especial in the rural areas, there is no fresh water to drink but it is also a lack of running water in these areas, that it is a great threat to peoples health. In addition, with the population growth, more people move into the city, so this leads an increase on the price of house. But on the contrary, in orde r to save the cost to the enterprises, many enterprises invest in the rural area directly; in order improve its profit, a large mount of the waste materials are let out into the river without any treatment. To the city people, with a growth of population, they are also the victims. More and more people live in the city, that much more rubbish is produced. Now many cities are crowded with rubbish and it is becoming a headache problem to the government. Although in order to have sustainable development, there many barriers before implementing the six steps to deal with the problems. It mainly concludes political factors, economic factors, legal factors, educational factor and cultural factors. Political factors: China is on the way of socialism, but now it is primary stage of socialism. Although the central government has enacted many laws and politics, but few of the local officers follow the path of central government. In their eyes, economy development is the most important. If the economy has risen up, it will reflect their hard work on the position that it will bring greater chances to promote. But in fact, it is quite harmful to the local people to a long term. Economy factors: China is a developing country and developing economy is the biggest theme all the time. Thus it misleads a large number of the officer pay much more attention to economic development without regarding the population problems. But the population problems react to the economy development. The population problems prohibit the economy development in many places. Moreover, many local governments are very poor in China especially in the west of China. Although they realize the population problems are quite harmful to local development, it is hard to de with it. In order to achieve instant success, GDP is the best choice, thus they have to give up the idea to deal with population problems. Legal factors: China is on the way of primary stage of socialism, many laws are not perfect. Family planning policy is not effective at present, especially in the west China. In addition, many of the families have realized the population, but they prefer boys to girls that there are at least two children if eldest son is a daughter (Luo, 2008). Moreover, some families have three or four children. Because of the special national conditions, to some degree, the local law may be not useful to them because of special relationship in China. Educational and cultural factors: A survey shows that only 21% of all the Chinese people enter in school that many people get little education. With little education, the people could not realize the importance of population problems and they have little knowledge to protect the publicity. In addition, family planning policy education is very poor in Chinas education. Another, there are 56 nations in China that they differ in culture significantly. Difference in culture will lead different attitude towards population problems and water protection. More money is input to deal with population problems and more money is punished for the parents with more than one child. With the development of economy, more and more money has been input into deal with population problems. Because the government have realized that development building on destroying the environment is an unsustainable way of development because of population growth. So in order to deal with the population problems, money input will be a basic factor. And in fact it takes effects in many places. Education. In order to deal with population problems, education is a key measure. First, more measures to dealt with the population problems will be developed through education. Second, through education, it will improve peoples awareness of population problems. Now, China government has input more and more money in education year by year. At present, many universities have the major named sociology science or sociology, and so on. It implies that the government has fully realized the seriousness of the population. The six step process is developed by Dr. Mark Diesendorf, the University of New South Wales. He gives us an easy but practical six step process to get a sustainable development process. The six steps are following. First, present a guiding vision, goals and scenarios. Second, Develop sustainability policy in all sectors, at all levels, with all types of instruments. Third, Create supportive environments. Fouth, Strengthen community action. Fifth, Develop personal and organizational skills. Sixth, reorient the system. (Diesendorf, 2000) The model will be used to give out a sustainable development process to dealing with population problems in China. China is becoming one of the core countries in the world, especially after the economy crisis. But now the population is becoming one of the biggest problems in China. On the one hand, in order to protect astogeny, more new births are encouraged, but on the other hand, to have a sustainable development process and maintain full of vigor, new births are limited. So it is difficult to achieve a medial policy. Therefore, in order to have a health, livable and sustainable development in China, there is a vision that is designed for China. The vision could be: in order to create a country with health, harmonious, and livable lives in China, China should do its best to improve peoples life in a sustainable aspect. Goals and scenarios: To deal with population problems, there is a long way to go. First, the growth trend of population problems should be under controls. There are many families which have more than one child. So measures should be taken out to restrict the families to deal with the population problems. Second, reduce the birth rate in rural area, especially in China. There is a lack of realization of reducing reduce the birth rate thus broadcast of the population problems is essential to local people to help them realize the seriousness of population problems around them. Third, improve the life standard to deal with the population problems. At present, population problems are affected by the life standard because in many poor places in the west China, people think that more children mean much happier. Early birth means that early happiness will come. Forth, more laws should enact to ensure these measures to take effect normally. First, money is essential to deal with the population problems. Finance support is one of the most important measures to handle with population problems. Without money, any treatment measures could not take effect. Second, stricter laws should be carried out to assess the quality of the peoples life. There could be an annual assessment of the population problems. In addition, the present laws to assess the population problems should be improved and perfected. Third, develop new ways of accumulating the achievements in local official career. In the past, GDP is unique target to accumulate the achievement in local official career. But now although GDP is important, the green GDP is encouraged. If the officer pursue the number of GDP, not focus on the quality of GDP, it is difficult to deal with population problems efficiently. Forth, recycle economy is encouraged. In order to have a saving and harmonious society, recycle is an efficient way. With more children birth every day, more energy and resources will be consumed, so in order to improve the efficiency of energy and resources, recycle economy is encouraged. Fifth, improve monitoring of dealing with population problems. While dealing with energy and resources, monitoring is important to make sure to operate normally. Because there is an interpersonal relation in China, that many laws may be ineffective. So improving monitoring of population problems would be effective to avoid special interpersonal relation in China. To deal with population problems efficiently, supportive environments are necessary. It main contains cooperation, transparency and compliance with relevant stakeholders. To the families with more two children in the rural areas, the government should warn them to realize the burden of the family and the whole society. But the birth control measure should be put among them. The government should help them how to get birth control in daily life. The government also could organize a group of specialist to give guide the birth control. Population problems in national minority are also not ignored. Useful and practical ways of birth control should be widely broadcast among them. In addition, more village officials could be introduced to bring new concerns to national minority area. Although many laws have been carried out and will take effect, it is difficult for a single or few people to take them into practice. So it needs community action. As James Fallows said in an email (main ideas), in the past decades, because of the Chinese peoples support in the population problems, Chinas have got greatest achievement in reducing the number of new birth, they also pave the path to population problems (Fallows, 2007). It implies that community actions play a great role in reducing birth rate. So the community should be called to deal with population problems. To deal with population problems, college students are the most suitable community. In China, there is a social practical activity in both summer holiday and winter holiday and now it is becoming a required course to them. They have many advantages among other groups. For example, people in the rural area would believe college student more than because many of them desire to go to university, but they have no cha nce. Second, the college students have many channels to deal with the practical problems when they meet in social practical activity. They can get easily in touch with the specialists. In addition, there are so many college students in China that they can spread the knowledge in each corner. In China, it is a pity that not many personal and organizational skills in dealing with population problems. The main reasons are following: it is a lack of personal power among the Chinese people because of the economic level to some degree. There is also a lack of education and public awareness in reducing population. As Jared Diamond said, in China there is a low awareness in public protection, because China input low invest in public educationis just half of the developed countries as a percentage of GDP. China has a population of 20% of the world population, but China has put only 1% of the worlds investment in education (Diamond, 2005). But now the situation is becoming much better than before. More and more people have poured in deal with population problems voluntarily. For example, a large number of people want to be volunteers in BeiJing Olympic Games 2008 and ShangHai World Expo in 2010. In addition, the government has input more (including finance and politics measures) in dealing with the population problems. Reorient the system is the largest challenge when get a sustainable development process. Because it links barrierspolitical factors, economic factors, legal factors, educational factor and cultural factors together. But the governments play the greatest role in reorienting the system. As referred above, the central government has made many useful laws, but the local government could not follow the path, mainly because there is a large of economic interest to the government. As GDP is the most important target in their eyes. Another, the economy growth is imbalance in different areas in China and the concept diversity towards population in national minority; especially there is a big difference between west and east. So in order to achieve a sustainable development, China should reform many laws relevant to population problems. Each of the six steps could not stand separately. First, in order to realize sustainable development, the most import thing to do is have a goal and vision, which is step 1. But without step 1, all the following steps are useless. With a goal and vision, measures should be carried out to realize the goal. But measures can take effect only under proper policy; that is step 2. With a politic guarantee, the measures could take into practice and good supports environment are necessary; that is step 3. In order carry out the measures, community action are needed as well, and this step 4, because the laws and measure can take out by the people, not a single person. But now, in order to have good performance on reducing birth rate, personal and organization skills will help; that is step 5. To have a large scale to deal with population problems, there would be a big challenge that it should reorient the system and that is step 6. In all, the six steps is an organic entirety. In conclusion, in order to get a sustainable development in China, population problem is a serious problem. To deal with population problems, there is a specific analysis of the background and the victim. All the people in China are the victim of population problems. In the process of deal with population problems, there are both barriers and useful factors. The main barriers conclude political factors, economic factors, legal factors, educational factor and cultural factors, because China is in the primary stage of socialism. But there are many useful factors as well including money and education. More and more money is input in dealing with population problems and invested in education. After analyzing the background, a six-step process is raising out to deal with population problems. It includes a guiding vision, goals and scenarios, sustainability policy in all sectors, supportive environments, community action and personal and organizational skills. The six steps could not exist alone, on the contrary, they an organic part.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Human Resources Functions Essay

The Human Resources Department (HRD) is responsible for Human Resources Planning at ‘Alstom’ and most other big businesses. This means they have a number of main responsibilities to make sure that the business is planned and running well. At ‘Alstom’ the HRD have to plan ahead and make sure they have the correct number of suitable employees for the business. In order to do this ‘Alstom’ set out to fully understand the demand on the labour market in their area. The main things ‘Alstom’ look at are: > Availability of labour > Competition for employment and placements > Local employment trends > Skills shortages These are all very important as they highlight what is going on in the labour market and what may affect the running of ‘Alstom’. Availability of labour shows just how many people there are on offer for employment in ‘Alstom’s’ area, which reveals to them how many people there are to choose from when recruiting. Competition for employees shows whether demand for labour is increasing because competitors are expanding or whether demand is dropping because competitors are having to make redundancies. This also can affect wage rates when recruiting, because as demand increases salary rates are caused to rise. This is because it is harder to recruit the right sort of employees and so companies have to offer better pay conditions in order to attract the right candidates to their business. Local employment trends imply how much labour is available and suggest whether it will be easy or difficult to recruit. It also shows if a local competitor is discarding labour and so provides an advantage for ‘Alstom’ as they can employ these who have been made redundant, as they will have the skills and the experience needed. Skill shortages are very important statistics to ‘Alstom’ as they reveal when the skills needed in their industry are dropping in the labour market, which can be very costly to the business when it comes to recruiting. If the skills they need such as degrees in manufacturing and engineering begin to fall, then wage rates will rise and the competition between ‘Alstom’ and other companies to recruit these graduates will become quite fierce. However, to help this problem ‘Alstom’ are quite fortunate as they have already set up their own training scheme to make sure they are achieving the skills they need. At ‘Alstom’ they also review how labour is progressing within the business. They calculate: > Succession > Sickness rates > Accident rates > Age > Skills & training > Wastage rate – labour turnover This is very important because by using and understanding these factors and statistics it can be seen where ‘Alstom’ may need improving and where things may have to change. For example, if accident rates are high, they may look into why people are so many accidents and what from, etc. By doing this they see if there is anything they can do to help this situation and prevent this from happening as much. ‘Alstom’ can also make better decisions about their staffing from these statistics and can analyze the success of the HRP and improve where it is needed. Recruitment & Selection At ‘Alstom’ it is the HRD’s responsibility to recruit and select employees into the business. At ‘Alstom’ they have four main objectives when recruiting staff, which are all very important. They are important because these objectives outline the essentials that are needed in recruitment and selection to structure a solid foundation for the business. These objectives are: > Helping the growth of ‘Alstom’ > Improving by changing job roles within ‘Alstom’ > Improving by employee internal promotion within ‘Alstom’ > Filling resignation, retirement or dismissal vacancies within ‘Alstom’ When additional or replacement personnel are required, here are what the main responsibilities are throughout this process: > The Recruiting Manager (RM) will complete a Personnel Requisition (job family model, profile & job description). > It is returned to HRD for action. > The Human Resources Officer (HRO) advises the RM on the Personnel Requisition and will consult with them regarding sourcing the vacancy. > The post is advertised internally prior to/parallel with external recruitment procedures (managers are not permitted to contact any external agencies directly without prior agreement from the HRD). > Internal applicants should complete an ‘Application for Internal Appointment’ form – applicant’s manager must authorize. External applicants complete an ‘Application for External Appointment’ form or submit a CV. > Internal applicants are screened by the HRO and forwarded to the RM. Selected applicant interviews are then arranged via HRD. Internal candidates not selected for interviews are notified by HRD. Successful internal candidates have their current manager informed by the HRD and are formally offered the job via their manager. They then have 10 days to accept and the two managers agree on a release date. > External applicants are screened by HRD and suitable applicants are forwarded to the RM for selection. Interviews are then arranged via HRD for short-listed candidates. The successful candidate is issued the ‘New Starter Advice’ by the HRD, in liaison with the RM. The candidate is then offered a placement subject to a pre-employment medical examination and at least one previous employers reference and evidence of qualifications. The candidate then has 10 days to accept after which time the offer becomes invalid. This process is very important to ‘Alstom’ as it makes sure that recruiting and selecting is done accurately and fairly. If this was not done appropriately then the business could suffer as the wrong recruit for ‘Alstom’ may be selected due to the process being carried out inappropriately and poorly. The candidates may also complain if they feel that the process was not carried out professionally and fairly, which would obviously not benefit anyone. Performance Management At ‘Alstom’ they have several ways of measuring and managing the performance of their employees, all of which are very important. They are important because they enable managers to oversee and supervise the performance of employees and make sure they are working to their full potential and so therefore see whether they are benefiting ‘Alstom’ and doing their part to ensure the business operates to its full potential. It also helps ‘Alstom’ to see which employees may need help and what they may need help with. Many of the ways are connected to the training. These are the methods they use: > Standards – At ‘Alstom’ there are set standards for each job role that have to be met in order for the work to be regarded as high performance. There are four sets of standards for different levels. These levels are: Group leaders Middle managers Senior Manager (operations) Senior manager (strategic) These standards for each level are to be met and are used to assess the skills and the effectiveness of the employee as well as to assess whether they are working efficiently enough for ‘Alstom’. These results are then reviewed and worked through in an individual appraisal discussion. > Objectives – At ‘Alstom’ objectives are set and defined and help employers to ensure that employee’s are working to a good standard. Setting objectives also helps the employees by stating the important guidelines, which need to be followed in order for them to do their job well. There are ten objectives, arranged in two groups. Technical Objectives and Business & Personal Objectives. Here is an example of a Business Objective: B4 = Personal Skills To be able to operate effectively in a group endeavor > Self-assessment – At ‘Alstom’ they ask employees to carry out their own self-assessment after reading and understanding the standards. They are given a suggested method and have guidance along the way. This helps both the employer and the employee. It helps the employer to understand what the employee’s own personal opinion of their performance is, where they may feel insecure and want some help, how confident they are within themselves, etc. Self-assessment helps the employee by allowing them to input their own thoughts of their performance, shows where they may need to put most of their effort, assess how they are coping meeting the job’s criteria, etc. Therefore, it helps both the employer and the employee to assess and manage individual performance. > Measuring production – At ‘Alstom’ they also carry out some measurements of production. An example of this is ‘Graduate Retention’. This is an important method of performance management as it shows clearly what ‘Alstom’s’ internal statistics are and helps the business realize and assess where improvement may need to made and which areas are struggling to run well. For example, if graduate retention is increasing then they will need to make changes and improvements to bring this statistic down and therefore benefit the business. Training and development At ‘Alstom’ they have a process for Training and Development (shown on next page). The main responsibility of HRD is to make sure that this process is carried out and that it is fully introduced and explained. Training and Development is very important to ‘Alstom’ as it ensures that employees learn the right skills for the job and it makes sure that they can do their job well and efficiently. It helps employees to earn the skills, qualifications and experience that they want/need and it benefits ‘Alstom’ as it enables them to run better and to a fuller potential and efficiency because their workers are well trained and developed.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

My Favorite Movies

Today, I am going to talk about my favorite movies. I like to watch movies very much; especially I like foreign films lots than Japanese films, because I like to study foreign languages. I watch movies with English subtitle, and it is good how to learn English. Do you know the film titled â€Å"BIG FISH†? That is my best favorite movie. The story is human drama, and I can see the love between father and the son. And the story is not only human drama, but also fantasy. It is most beautiful story that I have ever seen. Every time I was questioned â€Å"what is your favorite movie? † I tell the story of this one. When I watch this movie, I feel my heart warming. Not only foreign films, I like the films made by Hayao Miyazaki. He is one of the most famous Japanese animator in the world. Every films that he made have some messages to the world. For example, he said â€Å"stop deforestation† in the film titled â€Å"the princess of mononoke. † And men characters that appear every film are all cool and good-looking. Also I can feel love in all films made by Hayao Miyazaki. He got an Academy Award in 2003 for the great film titled â€Å"Spirited Away. † That was the greatest achievements for him. But he always says that he never want to be a veteran. I am very impressed his words. And what the biggest point for his movie is everyone can enjoy the story even child, even adult. To watch movies is very good habit for us. Movies give us many impressions and knowledge. I want to watch a lot of movies through my life.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Alamo ..... This is about the heros or the main people in the alamo and what the alamo is about

The Alamo ..... This is about the heros or the main people in the alamo and what the alamo is about The Alamo is about the battle for San Antonio in 1835. The siege San Antonio became the first major campaign of the Texas Revolution. From October until early December 1835 an army of Texan volunteers laid siege to a Mexican army in San Antonio de Bexar. The Alamo is a historic structure in the center of San Antonio. A famous battle was fought there from February 23 to March 6, 1836, during the war for Texan independence. To prevent the success of this independence movement, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, in command of the Mexican Army, approached San Antonio with his troops to fight the brave Texans at the Alamo.Colonel William Travis, Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie are names associated with American history and legend. They all died at the Alamo, the world famous battle for Texas' freedom. There are some stories that came out of the heroic struggles that cannot be prove to be definitely true, but which are believed to be true in American culture.English: Antonio LÃ ³pez de Sant a AnnaJust 189 men bravely defended the mission walls against Santa Anna's army of up to 4,000 soldiers.One of these legends recounts how Col. Travis, when all seemed hopeless, drew a line in the sand with his sword and asked all that were willing to die for the cause to step over it. Travis gave the men a chance to bail out and save their lives. The line is remembered as "The Grand Canyon of Texas" because it meant so much to Texas very survival as an independent territory. One man did not cross that line and indeed escaped from the fort and avoided capture. He wasn't caught by the enemy but, sustained many leg wounds from cactuses and thorns, which is weird yet funny. His name was Louis Rose,

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Show how the production of an Inspector calls enhanced the script and furthered your understanding of the play Essays

Show how the production of an Inspector calls enhanced the script and furthered your understanding of the play Essays Show how the production of an Inspector calls enhanced the script and furthered your understanding of the play Essay Show how the production of an Inspector calls enhanced the script and furthered your understanding of the play Essay and learns lessons which will influence her forever. She is not a likable person at the start of the play but her personality changes when the inspector calls. She knows Gerald is lying about last summer Act 1 except all last summer, when you never came near me, and I wondered what had happened to you. When I went to the production of an inspector call it furthered my understanding of Shelia by the way that when she confesses about her part in Eva Smiths. She went to the front of the stage and the light shone on her most and it made it fell like she was asking your opinion like a judge and jury. This furthered it as it showed they she felt bad about what she had done and wanted forgiveness. Eric didnt seem to develop much in the play as he did very little in it as he was always sulking but quiet at ease, half shy half-assertive. He seems very polite when he spoke but when drunk he babbled and groaned also when he is speaking to someone he seems a bit ignorant in the way he express himself and is childish. Act 1 What about war He seems to be innocent but really he is a drunk who used Eva Smith for sex and nothing else, but his parents dont notice. His sister Sheila has started to notice the way he drinks and the amount he is having. This turns out to be a main part in Shelias personality as she was very observant on how much he was drinking. My understanding was furthered when we went to the production as when he was confronted he was completely drowned in alcohol and didnt know what to say for instants when he was being questioned he was very badly stumbling on words Act 3 you know didnt you?. But in the scripted we dont get a good idea of what he is really like as the y cant express theyre self-much. The inspector was an quite old man of about 50 in a brown trench coat and a black suit underneath. He seems to be straight to the point. When Edna introduced him she emphasized the word Goole as if it was a ghoul (a person intrigued by death or an evil spirit or phantom). Act 1 A police inspector his says his name is inspector Goole. This helped me understand as it made it clearer that maybe he wasnt real at all in the production when he was confronting them the light shone hard on them as if it was an interrogation. I feel he was there to weaken their defences so that they would tell the truth to the real inspector who would follow after he left. In the script he seems to talk to them all in the same way but in the production he talked nicely to both Shelia and Eric. I feel that he know they would change their ways. But was nasty to Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald, as they wouldnt change their ways. In the second part of this essay I will talk about two themes they are war and who is the inspector. War is used in many different ways in the play. The first is when Mr Birling is talking to the whole family. Then Eric asks about war Act 1 what about war. To which Mr Birling replies just because the Kaiser make a speech or two or a few German soldiers have too much to drink and begin talking nonsense, youll have some people who say war is inevitable and I say fiddle-sticks! The Germans dont war, nobody whats war except some half-citizens in the Balkans and why theres too much at stake these days. Everything to lose and nothing to gain in war. This means that he doesnt believe there will ever be a war. In the production when he said this an unusual noise like a horn is heard this is to represent dramatic irony (when either you know something that they dont know). This furthered my understanding of the play as it showed the irony far clearer then in the text. It was also used when the inspector is warning them. Act 3 and I tell you the time will come when, if men will not learn that lesson. They will be taught it in fire, blood and anguish when he says this he means there will be war. (WW1 and WW2) they use the noise again when he says this. The inspector has a large part to play in this even more so is the fact you dont know who he is it is as if you are not to know. It is very hard to pinpoint who he is as he could be so many different things. He is gentle yet aggressive but I feel this may be because he needs to use force on some to get what he needs to hear. He seems to talk nicely to Shelia and Eric but aggressive to the rest of the family(as I have said). I feel his name is not accidental, as Goole seems to be a pun as a similar word is ghoul meaning a person interested in death or an evil spirit or phantom. You get this idea, as when hes introduced Edna seems to express the word Goole Act 1 he says his name is Goole. He is no evil spirit but seems to be the policeman of conscience. As it seems to me as if he is trying to weaken their defences with help from Shelia. When he enters on to the stage he gives an immediate sense of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness even though he is in no way large. When I watche d the production he seemed to always look hard at whom he was talking to so as to make them tell the truth. This furthered my understanding as it showed what he was like to different people in different ways and what a good devise he was as I feel that Priestley used him as a device to show what well happen if they do wrong. I conclude that the production furthered my understanding a lot and that in my essay I have commented on many different things like devises that were used like the inspector also it shows more of what each character is like and how they react to being and the way in which they express there feelings for Eva Smith.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Bacteria and Human Health and Viruses and Humna Health Research Paper

Bacteria and Human Health and Viruses and Humna Health - Research Paper Example A single E-Coli bacteria organism can replicate itself to the extent equaling the mass of earth within 24 hours if left unchecked. The bacteria come in various sizes and shapes. The shapes range from coccal (spherical), bacilli (rods), vibrio (curved rods) and spirochetes (spirals) (Richard Robinson Ed. Biology: 4 Volume Set). The role of bacteria in human health has been both positive and negative. A bacteria organism can be infections and beneficial as well. Although bacteria are mostly known for the harm that they bring to human body, there are only some bacteria that really put a bad effect on the human body (Sheela Srivastava. Understanding bacteria). There are two situations through which the bacteria can put an affect on the human body; one is through infection and second as disease. Most of the times these both are considered synonymous, which in reality is not correct. Infection is caused when a microorganism makes the human body is its host for growth and nourishment. In most cases, the infection leads to disease but not always. An infected person may not necessarily be diseased. On the other hand, in a diseased state, the human body suffers (Paul Singleton. Bacteria in biology, biotechnology, and medicine). Primarily it was not believed that bacteria can be a cause of a disease in the human bod y because of already presence of many bacterial organisms in the human body working for the benefit of human being. There are more than 500 species of bacteria in the human body and most of them are useful for many functions that take place in the human body. There are chances that due to some conditions, the growth of bacteria becomes harmful to the body, it is the when a bacteria is said to be transformed into a pathogen. A pathogen is a microorganism that causes the diseases in the human body (Stuart Hogg. Essential microbiology). There quite a few bacteria which are pathogenic in nature and one of the most

Friday, November 1, 2019

Corporate Finance Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corporate Finance Coursework - Essay Example It is a given business and finance objective to maximize shareholder value. It appears that there are also non-financial objectives of business hence the debate on shareholder value and stakeholder society rages on. The application of corporate finance theory will therefore will dwell in determining how real is the debate in relation to investment decisions in China under the new draft of Chinese employment contract law? Tirole, Jean (1996) dissected corporate governance on a debate between shareholder value and stakeholder society. He mentioned that corporate governance could be framed in terms of â€Å"shareholder value† using the economists assertion that â€Å"prices reflect the scarcity of resources that management should aim at maximizing shareholder wealth.† On the other hand, he narrated that stakeholder society would approximate the non-economist view of what may appear as â€Å"oblivious to redistributional issues† narrow-minded- or â€Å"out of touch with social realities† as consequences of limiting corporate governance to shareholders’ value maximization. To support the stakeholder society concept, he cited a prevalent view in politics and public opinion that â€Å"corporations should serve a larger purpose and â€Å"be responsible† that is they should reach out to other stakeholders not only to shareholders† (Tirole, 1996) (Paraphrasing made). In discussing therefore â€Å"The Corporate Social Responsibility View†, Tirole (1996) discussed ways under which an â€Å"economist would rephrase the position of the proponents of the stakeholder society† as could recommending â€Å"that management and directors internalize the externalities that their decision impose on various groups.† He thus cited examples of such externalities and concomitant duties toward stakeholders, according to the proponents of the stakeholder society. One is the duties toward employees where he argued that â€Å"firms should refrain from laying off workers when they make