Monday, March 25, 2019
Barclaysââ¬â¢ Internal and External Customers :: Business Management Studies
Barclays interior and External clientsBarclays offers a wide epitome of services to both internal and outer nodes. Internal guests are instalment of staff/colleagues that workin an organisation. Examples of internal customers in Barclaysinclude clear Business Managers, Customer Relations Team, telephoneoperators, Financial Planning Managers, Customer Service staff,Counter staff, Accountants, Consumer Relations Team, and RelationshipManagers. External customers are the volume of individuals who livesin the local areas. Examples of international customers of Barclaysinclude disabled people, elderly, foreign people, parents, couples,widows, divorcees and students (from schools, colleges, anduniversities).Internal customersBarclays has number of internal customers who works for them, and alsodoes banking with them. About 5% of accounts live on to Barclaysstaff. It is very great for Barclays to have internal customersbecause, without them, the financial organisation give haved ifficulties to meet the needs of external customers. For example, ifyou image the organisation as an iceberg, only 1/10th is above thewater (the external customer), besides 9/10th is hidden below the water(internal customers) which, is supporting external customers. This ethical example of importance of internal customers was extracted fromthe following So, if youremove the hindquarters half of the iceberg (internal customers), top halfof the iceberg (the external customer) exit sink- in the other words,the whole organisation will come to an end. It is important forBarclays to treat their internal customers in the same way, as theytreat their external customers.The advantages of having internal customers to employees* Better working conditions* Better job satisfaction* little stress* Having the feel good factor* Being part of a good working teamThe advantages of having internal customers to the organisation* Less extravagance and stoppages* Improved communications* A happier workforce* Fewer problems* Increased customer loyalty* Better service to external customersThe advantages of having internal customers to the external customers* A higher, sustained level of service* Faster responses times* Knows that the organisation caresAs a result, internal customer care is based on good manners, knowingwhere your job fits in, working efficiently with colleagues, workingas a member of a team, and respecting colleagues needs and rights.Organisations, such as Barclays believe that, at that place are three kinds ofattitudes and behaviours towards colleagues that would be essentialfor quality internal customer care1. Caring for colleagues- this would include making individuals feel good- this will military service them to work better, they would become more cooperative, responding reasonably to their needs, and accepting a instinct of shared responsibility2. Cooperating with colleagues- this wou ld include can get things
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